We manufacture and develop mesh-type power centers for solutions where heat dissipation is controlled by an exchange of environment. Likewise, all the equipment inside the CDP complies with a degree of protection suitable to withstand conditions according to the installation site.
Skid types:
- •Mesh type skid with detachable roof.
- •Mesh type skid with sectioned roof.
Application Sector:
- •Industry.
- •Oil & Gas.
- •Mining.
- •Utilities and renewable energies.
Características generales
- •Analysis and Structural Loads through finite element simulations.
- •Self-supported structures and welded elements in accordance with AWS D1.1_D1.1M
- •Non-destructive tests by END PT "Penetrating inks" tests.
- •Ceiling” detachable mesh modules.
- •Modular systems in the access door.
- •Corridors in expanded mesh avoiding the accumulation of water and guaranteeing the safety of equipment and people.
- •Assurance of elevated equipment that prevents rainwater from entering cells, panels and cable duct.
- •Upper lifting system.
- •Surface preparation by SSPC process.
- •Adhesion Verification by Pull Off Method.
- •Projection of centers of mass that guarantee effectiveness in lifting.
- •Cable duct integrated into the Shelters structure and protected by detachable sheets.
- •Rainwater collection system.
- •Access of equipment by means of sliding sliding doors that allow to rotate and move the modules towards the side.
- •System of boxes embedded in the structure.
- •Applications for low and medium voltage equipment as in transformation centers.
Products housed inside: